A foto registrada por Christina Karas, madrinha do casamento de Heather Mosher em seu momento de dizer "sim" ao noivo viralizou na internet nos últimos dias. Seria um momento feliz, mas comum, se não fosse a cama de hospital, a máscara de oxigênio, e capturado 18h antes da noiva falecer devido a um câncer."Ninguém pensava que ela aguentaria até aqui. Ela provou que todos estavam errados, e é isso que a foto significa para mim", disse David, marido de Heather, ao WFSB. A união foi realizada no Hospital São Francisco, em Hartford, Estados Unidos, faltando poucos dias para o natal.Segundo o site, o casal se conheceu em maio de 2015 em uma aula de dança, e se tornaram inseparáveis. No dia 23 de dezembro de 2016, David planejava pedi-la em casamento, mas foi quando ela descobriu possuir câncer de mama. "Ela não sabia que eu ia fazer o pedido, mas pensei, ela precisa saber que não vai continuar a caminhada sozinha", falou o noivo."Um par de cavalos, uma carruagem, e eu preparei tudo para aquela noite. Fomos para a carruagem e fiz o pedido sob a luz da rua", exatamente um ano antes do casamento, contou. O planejamento da festa precisou ser adiado, porém, pois cinco dias depois ela descobriu que tinha o tipo mais agressivo desse câncer, e em cerca de dois meses a doença havia atingido seu cérebro. "Os médicos disseram, 'nós sabemos que vocês querem se casar no dia 30 de dezembro, mas deveriam se apressar", explicou. "Eu sabia que seria a última vez que estariamos juntos de uma maneira romântica, e parecia o funeral mais estranho a que eu já tinha ido".De acordo com Christina, "seus votos de casamento foram as últimas palavras que disse".David tenta se manter forte, usando o exemplo da esposa: "Heather dizia 'eu quero continuar lutando', e esse é o mantra que estou usando. Ela conseguindo lutar até o fim, e é o que eu vou fazer". Standing in front of everyone in the chapel, I was hesitant to pull out my camera. As someone who wanted nothing more than to see my friend truly happy, I felt I had to capture these images, which by this point I knew were her final moments with us. What you clearly see here is two people who were destined to be joined as one. A love like no other captured for all to see. My gift to her.Uma publicação compartilhada por Christina (@christina.lee.photography) em 27 de Dez, 2017 às 10:02 PST Heather's mother, Linda Lindsay, poured out light, love and support on Heather and all of us who were there with her. The amount of strength her mom showed could only be possible because of her unwavering faith in God, despite the certainty she would lose her only daughter on this earth. Her outpouring of selfless love reminded me of Heather's reaction to tragedy in other's lives. Heather has shown me this same care when I was in a very dark and hopeless place. She learned this language of love from her family and was able to comfort others in this same way. Like mother like daughter. Missing you this Christmas morning, Heather, but I know you are celebrating with the one who gives us the real joy and peace of the Christmas season. Sing and dance with the angels for me today. Merry Christmas my dear friend!Uma publicação compartilhada por Christina (@christina.lee.photography) em 27 de Dez, 2017 às 9:42 PST I am in awe of the strength Dave's love inspired in Heather even in her last hours. She was his great love and he was hers. I pray these moments give Dave the same strength now to carry on the legacy of their love. Heather, you are greatly missed. The earth froze yesterday as the warmth of your light ascended to be with God for eternity. Until we meet again my dear friend. Watch over us. Original post from 12/24/17.Uma publicação compartilhada por Christina (@christina.lee.photography) em 28 de Dez, 2017 às 6:06 PST I am in awe of the strength Dave's love inspired in Heather even in her last hours. She was his great love and he was hers. I pray these moments give Dave the same strength now to carry on the legacy of their love. Heather, you are greatly missed. The earth froze yesterday as the warmth of your light ascended to be with God for eternity. Until we meet again my dear friend. Watch over us. Original post from 12/24/17.Uma publicação compartilhada por Christina (@christina.lee.photography) em 28 de Dez, 2017 às 6:06 PST Earned her wings! One of my dearest friends got married this past Friday, December 22nd, to the man of her dreams. She had been battling stage 4 cancer and it had spread all throughout her body, but she was determined to marry her soul mate. Less than 24 hours later her spirit flew from her body and ascended to be with God. I am in awe of the strength Dave's love inspired in Heather even in her last hours. She was his great love and he was hers. Heather, I miss and love you more than I can say. Thank you for sharing this life's journey with me. ❤️Uma publicação compartilhada por Christina (@christina.lee.photography) em 26 de Dez, 2017 às 4:46 PST